Weekend 10

Thursday, March 7 – Sunday, March 10, 2024

Happy New Year!

For many, it is time to set annual goals and update your calendar with important dates. Make sure the weekend of March 7-10, 2024, is reserved for time to make a retreat at Demontreville and reflect on your life, and our God.

  • This notice is for all the men who have made regular or occasional Demontreville retreats this weekend or have made a previous retreat on another weekend and interested to join us.
  • This retreat is also for men ready to experience that first retreat and the benefits of a personal retreat at Demontreville.

A retreat:

  • Is a time to step back from everyday life and see where you are going.
  • Is a time to improve your spiritual connection and give a better idea of who you are in this life’s journey.
  • It is not just a three-day respite each year, but the beginning of a process that may spiritually affect the rest of your life.

The Retreat House is operating at full capacity- hosting 70 men for the retreat weekend. Demontreville provides a structure and a remarkable glimpse of God’s beautiful and wondrous creation to ponder our lives and relationships. For the new men (first-timers), as well as a refresher for those who have made past retreats, it helps to review the purpose of a retreat and what one might expect from spending a spiritual weekend at Demontreville.

Take Action today!

Reservations will be taken on a “first- come, first -serve” basis. See the registration instructions below.

The deadline for your response is Tuesday, January 23rd.

 If your plans change and you cannot join us in March, please contact me as soon as possible.

 I look forward to seeing you in a few short weeks.


Chip Fuhrmann

Weekend Coordinator- Group #10

Retreat Master for 2024

Fr. Christoper P Johnson, S.J. currently serves as the Vice President for mission and identity at Brebeuf Jesuit Prep School in Indianapolis. In this role, he supports the school’s president in maintaining and enhancing Brebeuf’s Catholic Ignatian and Jesuit Identity.

Fr. Johson is a Twin Cities native. He studied politics and economics at American University in Washington, D.C., graduating in 1986 with a Bachelor of Arts degree.

Following a 13-year business career, he entered the Society of Jesus in August 2004 and pronounced vows in August 2006.  Fr. Johnson earned a Master of Arts in philosophy and an advanced graduate certificate in spiritual direction from Fordham University. Following that assignment, he taught at Creighton Prep in Omaha and Red Cloud High School on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. He completed a Master of Divinity degree at Boston College in 2014 and was ordained a priest in June of that year.

Fr. Johnson served in pastoral ministries on the Rosebud and Pine Redge Indian reservations and completed the final formal segment of his Jesuit formation, tertianship, in Nairobi, Kenya. During tertianship, he had a seven-week experiment serving the Jesuit Refugee Service in South Sudan.

Other Jesuit experiences included mission work in Northeast India, spiritual and retreat direction, and ministry to the incarcerated and those experiencing homelessness. Fr. Johnson also served on the board of directors of GESU Housing in Omaha and the Laboure Society in Eagan, MN.

Fr. Johnson pronounced his final vows in the Society of Jesus in March 2021 in the chapel at Demontreville. He currently serves on the board of trustees for Creighton Prep, chairing the mission and planning committee.


The Retreat House has a limit of 70 men that can attend the retreat. Reservations can be made through this website form for the weekend listed below. Please note that reservations are on a “first-come, first-served” basis, so please respond as quickly as possible to reserve your spot. Early registration is especially important for family and friends that you invite to attend this retreat weekend.

Please follow the registration instructions and reply no later than Tuesday, January 23. Make sure to include all the information requested. If you don’t register by the date noted above, you may be placed on the waiting list if the registration fills up.

In the “Message” box, please send the names of any new men that you would like us to contact. Please include their complete contact information (Full name, email address, telephone/ cell number).

After you register

The Retreat House will send via USPS mail your confirmed reservation about 2-3 weeks before our March 7th retreat date. 


Approximately 7-10 days before the retreat, we will try to contact everyone to reconfirm your attendance. We do this to check in and see if you have any issues or questions or if something has come up requiring you to cancel your attendance. We expect to have a full house, so please respect your colleagues, and let us know in advance if you cannot attend, even if it’s only a few hours before the retreat. This could allow someone on the waiting list to attend.


Father Lawler expects everyone to arrive no later than 6:15 PM on Thursday evening, March 7, 2024.

Dinner is served promptly at 7:00 PM. It takes a few minutes to check in and bring your personal effects to your room. If you are new to the retreat, you may want a friend or someone else to give you a quick orientation of the grounds and buildings, so please be early.

Should you need a special diet, it can be arranged when you arrive on Thursday evening. The retreat ends after dinner on Sunday evening, March 10, 2024, so you will be back in the Twin Cities area by 8:00 PM.

Casual clothing is recommended.

Watch the weather forecast to help plan for your comfort.

We look forward to seeing you on March 7th!

Questions? Or need to arrange a ride?

please call your coordinator… Or the Retreat House

Chip Fuhrmann

612-618-5579 (C)

The Retreat House

Demontreville Retreat Website